Lochearn school is happy to provide the opportunity for parents to order hot lunches for their child(ren) through SchoolCashOnline!
Here's how to get started . . .
- Go to https://wildrose.schoolcashonline.com/
- Click on "Register" if you don't already have an account or "Sign In" if you do.
- If you are registering for the first time you will need to add your information and then add your child to your account in order to see the available hot lunch orders for that month.
- Click on the Item Order you would like to purchase for your child(ren) and then add to cart. This will take you to the payment screen.
You will need to add a credit card on file to be used to order the hot lunches through the website.
Ordering is available from the 1st to the 20th of each month. No late orders will be accepted, so please pay close attention to order deadlines.
If you have any questions, please contact the Lochearn office.